Sunday 27 October 2013

My 2nd Contemporary Elizabethan Look

This is my 2nd Contemporary Elizabethan image which I decided to collage. I found wavy and curly bits of red hair in magazines and shaped them into a wavy one sided look. I then cut out red hair plaits and stuck them onto the other side of the hair line. This represents a french plaits on one side of the head. It will go round the back and join the rest of the hair on the other side. I also want to combine pearls into the plaits and so have stuck pearls onto the plait side.

Ideas For Contemporary Elizabethan Styles

 I need to creat 2 more images of Contemporary Elizabethan styles on my Modern/Chic images. I want to combine some of my favourite elements of these styles together. These will be the red hair, plaits and jewellery as accessories.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Quote and Modern Combined

This week I had to combine a photo from my Modern looks and my quote together by painting, drawing my quote idea over the Modern image. I decided to paint the hairstyle onto the image with different tones of brown and red for the bow. I think the result of this looks quite good and definitely gives a clearer idea of what I want this look to be like than the collage I tried to make.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Assignment Brief: Red Heads and Royalty!

For this project I am to research the hairstyles of the Elizabethan Era as well the trends of their fashion, symbolism and much more! Once I have done enough research I must pick out different elements that have interested me and use them to create a makeup design. I am then to give another colleague in my course my design and they will give me theirs and we have to create eachother's designs for a photoshoot.
I am expecting to find a great amount of ideas to inspire me throughout this project so that my final design will be exactly what I want. I need to gather as much research as I can to help spring my ideas to life!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Interpretation of Quote

In my seminar I had to interpret how I imagined the hairstyle of the Elizabethan quote in my head into a collage. I didn't manage to finish my collage and ran out of hair but I think it would would pretty good once I've translated it onto real hair.

Elizabethan Hair Quote

"She has brown hair and speaks small like a woman"

My interpretation of this Elizabethan quote would be of a woman with short brown hair. Sounds simple but I also thought that the interesting part is that she has bunches and a bow in her hair because people that have small voices are usually thought of as quite innocent. To me an innocent sweet look would be bunches and a bow. To have these bunches her hair load need to be shoulder length to fit in with the short hair length of course.‎ 

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Plaits and Buns

Clearly the type of plaits I like are mostly messy! I can't even explain why. I can only think that I love how messy hair with a plait goes so well together in my opinion and Blake Lively (top photo) has made her messy plait have touch of elegance with a flower hair accessory. Other than a messy plait I think fish plaits are pretty cool too and love the twist that's been added to the 2nd image above.

I do appreciate a bun that has a unique twist to it! These 4 bun hairstyles all have an individual look to them. If I had to choose one style to try out I think I'd choose Lauren Conrad's bun (2nd image). I'm fascinated in how the french plait is so perfectly twisted into the bun!

Elizabethan Hair Accessories

One of my favourite elements of the Elizabethan styles is the accessories! She would always have such amazing jewels, hats, crowns, pearls place on her head and in her hair. It's beautiful and inspiring to me as I love hair accessories and want to push the boundaries in this project to apply accessories to the hair.

Elizabethan Hair Trends

During Queen Elizabeth I's reign the general fashion would involve twists of plaits, braids that were also combined in some styles. Waves and curls were also a trend. They would use marcel irons to curl their hair!
Blonde hair was a much more popular trend over black hair. Black hair just didn't cut it.
The Elizabethans went from put padding in their hair to wired frames as that was a much more hygienic option (even though the hygiene was awful back in those days as they only washed their hair twice a year..lovely!) and they could have more of  variety of different shapes with these frames. Wigs were also used if you could afford that luxury.
Height was an important role in the style - they would use wax to hold it in place.

Elizabethan Hairstyles

 Elizabeth I In Her Coronation Robes 1559
Up until Elizabeth's coronation ceremony her hair was always loose and long showing that she is a young woman. I also feel like this symbolises how carefree she is as a princess as being a queen holds a lot more responsibility.

 The Pheonix Portrait 1675
Elizabeth's hairstyles were iconic for her firey red curls! I think this is one of my favourite elements to her styles and want to take that further into my project.These curls were so precisely placed and she had so many of them! She would have beautiful little ringlets going over her head in a round shape.
The Ermine Portrait 1585
Elizabeth's style would start to develop throughout her reigning years into this heartshape. The heartshape still continues to be style with curly hair. These high up hairstyles she always had were to make her look more intimidating and strong. Although I feel that she still looks feminine with this style, a lot of other people would disagree and think that by having high hair her forehead looked larger and altogether made her look more masculine.

Chic and Modern

To me Modern Hair means the most up to date trend of hairstyles! These hairstyles happen to be short and I have found a variety of short hair styles that have been manipulated in so many different ways! It's so crazy when you realise just how much you can do to hair and that the possibilities are endless!

When I think of Chic Hair I think of hair that has sleek, individual and amazing style within! I admire Blake Lively's sense of style when it comes to hair as she comes up with so many different ways to make it look incredible and beeautiful!

Monday 7 October 2013

Elizabethan Hair Styles

I love the firey red curls of the Elizabethan hairstyles! It's fascinating to look at and wonder how the curls were set high above her head.
I also love this contemporary interpretation of the Elizabethan hairstyles from one of Alexander McQueen's catwalk shows!
Hairstyles like this make me want to explore and learn how to make them!